Community Room

Last Updated Date




Community RoomPolicy

Policy No.



Issued: June 27, 2024 Amended: N/A

Approved by

Resolution No. {2024-039}

Authored by

Library Services

    1. This policy outlines the community room policy for the Palm Desert Library.
  2. SCOPE
    1. The Palm Desert Library welcomes the public use of its facilities and meeting rooms in keeping with the Library's mission to “nurture community well-being through social, cultural and learning experiences.” The Library permits the public to use its facilities and meeting rooms when such use does not interfere with Library-sponsored programs and services.
    2. The Library allows outside organizations and groups to use its facilities and meeting rooms when they are not needed for administrative use or for activities or programs sponsored in whole or in part by the Library. The Library reserves the right to deny applications for use based on the availability of space and staff, frequency of use, or as otherwise outlined in guidelines available on the Library's public website.
    1. Permission to use the Community Room does not imply that the Library Board of Trustees, the Library staff or the City of Palm Desert supports the opinions and/or views of the users.
    2. Reservations for non-Library events held in the Community Room must be open public forums of a civic, cultural, educational or intellectual nature. No private events of a purely social nature (receptions, parties, showers, etc.) are allowed.
    3. Organizations using the Community Room must have a non-commercial purpose and may be required to provide evidence of their official non-profit status. No admission fees can be charged. Events must not be commercial in nature, including transacting business or soliciting customers or clients.
    4. The Library Code of Conduct governs behavior in the Community Room. Users must comply with room capacity. Users not in compliance with Library policies will be asked to leave and may be denied future use of the space. The Library will not be responsible for theft or damage of equipment or material supplied by users. This includes personal items.
    5. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere in the library.
    6. Amplified music is not permitted.
    7. Customers may not attach or adhere anything to the community room walls.
    8. Booking requests must be made by an adult who is 18 years or older and has a Palm Desert Library card in good standing. Adults must ensure supervision is provided. The contact person listed on the booking request must be present and assumes full responsibility for damage to Library property in their custody.
    9. The Library’s contact information cannot be used as an official address for any organization using the community room.
    10. The Community Room may be used only during regularly scheduled hours of Library service. The booking must include the time required to set up and return the room to proper order. The furniture must be returned to its original arrangement and all participants must be out of the room by the scheduled ending time.
    11. Community Room booking requests will be considered in a "first come, first served" manner up to 60 days in advance when such uses do not conflict with regular City Library programs. A maximum of three (3) events can be scheduled to occur from the current date 60 days forward.
    12. Use of the Community Room on a standing or continuing basis is not allowed. Community Room booking requests require approval by staff – requests are typically reviewed within 2 business days. Cancellations should be made promptly so other meetings may be scheduled.
    13. Users are to check in at the service desk for access to the Community Room.
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