Collection Development

Last Updated Date




Collection Development Policy

Policy No.



Issued: June27, 2024 Amended: N/A

Approved by

Resolution No. {2024-039}

Authored by

Library Services

    1. This policy outlines the collection development for the Palm Desert Library.
  2. SCOPE
    1. The Materials Selection Policy provides a general guide to the selection and maintenance of material collections offered by the Library and emphasizes the Library’s commitment to the needs of the community it serves, intellectual freedom, and unrestricted access to information per American Library Association Guidelines and the Freedom to Read Statement.
    2. The Palm Desert Library collection is:
      1. Available 7 days a week and online 24 hours a day
      2. Available in variety of formats including those for the vision impaired
      3. Diverse and inclusive
      4. Well organized and in good condition
      5. Current and relevant
      6. Responsive to new trends, issues, and interests
      7. Built by the dedicated work of professional staff
      8. Shaped by the input of our community and representative of its needs
      9. Guided by the Library’s Mission Statement as well as the city’s Mission and Core Values.
      10. Thought provoking
      11. Comprised of works of lasting value
    1. Criteria for Selection of Materials
      While much professional effort has gone into the selection of materials, the Palm Desert Library recognizes that members of our community may find issue with one or more items. In line with our collection policy, we aim to be inclusive and provide a diverse collection of materials to meet the varied needs of those in our community. The Library, by selecting individual materials, does not promote, support or endorse any particular viewpoint, but rather aims to support the Freedom to Read statement of the American Library Association (below).
    2. The following general criteria are used to evaluate the appropriateness of materials added to the Library collection:
      1. Accuracy of information
      2. Merit, awards, or critical acclaim
      3. Existence of authoritative, published reviews
      4. Timeliness or permanent value
      5. Popular interest or demand
      6. Extent to which the subject matter is already represented in the Library collection
      7. Readability or literary style
      8. Social significance
      9. Reputation of the author or publisher
      10. Space limitations
      11. Cost
      12. Physical durability, attractiveness and other format characteristics
      13. Local author materials will be accepted for review, to be added to the Library collection, if they meet many of the above criteria. The addition of local author materials will be dependent upon the approval of professional Library staff
      14. Responsibility for Collection Decisions
        Responsibility for the selection of Library materials rests with the Library Director. The Library Director will delegate selection responsibilities to Library staff as necessary.
      15. Library users are welcomed and encouraged to suggest items for addition to the Library collection. Customers can fill out a Suggest-A-Purchase Form at the library, as well as on the library’s website. If access to the website is not available, a request can be sent via email to After the request is made, Library staff will evaluate the request based on the general selection criteria outlined in this document. For users to receive notification that one or more of their requests were selected for the collection, valid email contact information must be provided. Library users may also check the online catalog or contact staff to see if a requested item was purchased.
    1. Materials held at the Palm Desert Library will be available to all members of the public, unless a parent a guardian requests limits on a minor’s account.
    1. The following process will be employed when requests for reconsideration are submitted.
      1. The Palm Desert Library (PDL) responds to requests for reconsideration of Library materials in writing.
      2. Requestors must have read, listened, or viewed the entire work to have their request considered.
      3. Requestors must be a resident of Palm Desert and hold a valid Palm Desert Library card.
      4. PDL’s Challenged Materials Committee reviews these requests.
      5. The Committee, consisting of PDL librarians and headed by the Library Director, reviews the item considering the customer’s request, the PDL selection policy and professional reviews of the title within 30 days.
      6. The Committee’s decision will be communicated in writing to the requesting party via a letter sent by the Library Director.
      7. Each time there is a request to reconsider an item from the Library collection, the Library Director or someone acting on their behalf will report this request to the American Library Association Office of Intellectual Freedom. The Office of Intellectual Freedom will then note the occurrence and document it despite the decision of the review committee.
    1. The Library utilizes a specific deselection and refreshment schedule in order to best remove outdated, worn, inaccurate and incomplete materials. The deselection schedule allows for Library staff to remove items that meet any of the below deselection criteria, evaluate the need for replacements and updating, and select materials needed to refresh the collection. The deselection schedule is meant to encourage deselection and refreshing on an ongoing basis. Library staff will also deselect as needed in other areas of the Library. Whenever possible, deselected materials will be offered to a local organization. To be considered as an entity to receive deselected materials, please submit a request in writing to
    2. Criteria for deselection of Library materials includes, but is not limited to:
      1. Usage or circulation
      2. Physical condition
      3. Duplication in Library collection
      4. Edition or accuracy of information
      5. Completeness
      6. Space
      7. Magazine and Newspaper Deselection
    3. Magazines will be deselected when they are 12 months past delivery date for monthly magazines, and 6 months for weekly magazines, as space permits. Magazines are recycled or repurposed for Library craft projects as appropriate.
    4. Newspapers will be removed from the collection when they are 8 days past delivery date. Library staff will recycle newspaper materials.
    5. Donating Gift Materials
      1. All donated/gift materials will be received by library Book Sale volunteers. The Book Sale volunteers may at any time suspend the collection of gift materials due to space, deny the acceptance of materials due to condition, or transfer donated/gift materials.

The Freedom to Read Statement

See: American Library Association, Freedom to Read Statement

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